
Folk Beliefs Day 2015
Ritual, Sacred and Profane Times


Sixth Edition of the Scientific Symposium on Folk Beliefs

Friday 2nd of October 2015 9.30 - 16.00

Society for Finnish Literature (SKS)
Great Hall (Second Floor)
Hallituskatu 1, Helsinki, Finland


See the program and schedules with abstracts >

Organization: Society for Northern Ethnography (PES-SNE),
Society for Finnish Literature (SKS), University of Helsinki and Turin

With the patronage of the Italian Cultural Institute in Helsinki.
In co-operation with: Teatteri Metamorfoosi / MasQue -
International Mask Theatre Festival


The year is viewed in numerous cultures not in linear time but in circular time marked by vernacular seasonal rituals with no distinct border between the sacred and the profane, between myth and everyday life.

What beliefs were connected with the Nordic and Alpine winter darkness and coldness? How has the Christian religion changed concepts of time or calendars? How have industrial technologies, public and private interests clashed with older world views and rituals? How have post-industrial societies reorganized or revitalized traditional rituals?

In the Sixth Scientific Symposium on Folk Belief international scholars from Italy and Finland will give presentations on Native American and Sámi Ritual Cultures, Alpine and Afro-Brazilian Carnivals, the Lent and Pentecost Rituals of Northern Italy, and Contemporary Orthodox Ceremonies in Finnish Karelia.

Each presentation will be followed by questions and a discussion. Speakers:  Enrico Comba, Caterina Angela Agus, Marianna Keisalo, Elina Vuola, Helena Kupari, Giuliana Giai, Ira Multaharju and Konsta Kaikkonen.

The Symposium will end with a traditional performance of the Masks of the Carnival of Lajetto (Italy).

For information: [email protected]



Presentation of the Society for Finnish Literature and the Folklore Archives
by Jukka Saarinen (SKS).
Giorgio Visetti, Ambassador of the Italian Republic in Finland
Riku Hämäläinen, President of the Society for Nordic Ethnography

Professor Enrico Comba
(Professor of Anthropology of Religions, University of Turin, keynote speaker):
The Gates of the Year: Seasonal Ceremonies in Native North America and Popular Europe.

10.40 –11.20
MA Caterina Angela Agus ( University of Turin, keynote speaker)
The Fight Between Carnival and Lent: Time of Feast and Time of Penance in Western Alps

MA Giuliana Giai (Research Center for Alpine Cultures of Turin):
Cycles of life and death: the mystères in the the valleys of Savoy and the Dauphiné Alps

MA Ira Multaharju (University of Helsinki; vocalist and singer)
Afro-Brazilian Culture, Rituals and Carnivals

12.40–13.30 Lunch Break


Elina Vuola, Academy professor, and Helena Kupari, postdoctoral researcher (Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki):
The Moving Cross: Embodiment and the Sacred in a Contemporary Orthodox Christian Procession in North Karelia

PhD Marianna Keisalo (Social and Cultural Anthropology University of Helsinki)
The Yaqui Easter Ritual: Cycles of Death and Rebirth

MA Konsta Kaikkonen (University of Helsinki):
Historical developments and ritual cycles: comparing changes in Sámi rituals.

Performance of the Masks of Carnival of Lajetto (Condove, Italy)
“Barbuire” is the name of the most important and frightening masks of the Old Carnival of Lajetto. The Carnival consists of 30 members - 10 of which will perform their traditional roles in the SKS at the end of the Seminar: the Bear, Doctor, Soldier, Gentleman, Madam, Harlequins and the Old Ones (Barbuire). The masks will be presented by Caterina Angela Agus (University of Turin). Performance organized in co-operation with: Teatteri Metamorfoosi / MasQue - International Mask Theatre Festival, www.metamorfoosi.com/english/masque-festival/